Bac Duong plant maintaining production together with preventing Covid pandemic

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Bac Duong plant maintaining production together with preventing Covid pandemic

Bac Duong plant, one of the two major manufacturing plants of CADI-SUN located in Cam Giang district - Hai Duong province, has thoroughly implemented measures to effectively combine its production with pandemic prevention activities.

In the end of January 2021, Covid-19 pandemic started to break out in Chi Linh district - Hai Duong province, then Cam Giang as well as some other districts and towns also became major outbreaks. This caused the Government of Hai Duong to apply the solution of social isolation across the whole province from February 16th to March 2nd, 2021.

Bac Duong plant - one of two major plants of CADI-SUN located in the area of ​​Cam Giang district has the total number of employees up to 340 people; of which more than 50% are local. After Tet, when the pandemic dramatically broke out, the plant maintained its production in moderation with about 30-50% of the employees.

Mr. Tran Duc Doanh, the Plant’s Director, said that in order to ensure production, the Plant has arranged on-site accommodation for its employees, up to 148 people at peak times; established 18 "Covid Safety" working groups to remind the workers to strictly implement the "5K" regulation issued by the Ministry of Health.

As a manufacturer of electric wires and cables, most of the raw materials of Bac Duong Plant are imported. Due to the impacts of the pandemic, the import of raw materials for the plant is performed in difficulty. The shortage of human resources and raw materials also reduced the plant's output by about 60% compared to that in usual period. In order to timely meet the orders, Hoang Duong Plant - another plant of CADI-SUN - has provided materials to support Bac Duong in overcoming the shortage of materials for production.

In addition, the plant has also assessed the risk of pandemic infection and drawn out the index of 14.67%, which is a low risk of infection, developed plans for production and pandemic prevention activities, and developed the response solutions in case a worker is infected (F0), signed a commitment to the Cam Giang district authorities to ensure safe conditions for pandemic prevention.

The plant also coordinated with the authorities to perform 2-time COVID-19 tests for its workers. The results showed that 100% of the employees were negative for SARS-CoV-2. When Hai Duong province made conditions to perform tests on transportation drivers, all the plant’s drivers participated in.

With the implementation of many measures to proactively prevent the pandemic, Bac Duong plant was evaluated by Cam Giang district as a qualified unit to be licensed to re-operate on February 26th.

Mr. Nguyen Dinh Doan, the Foreman in charge of the copper factory, said that when they returned to work, the workers were also highly worried because the pandemic in Cam Giang was still complicated at that time, some businesses in the district had employees with COVID-19.

However, after the plant fully implemented the measures to prevent the pandemic, until now, the workers no longer concern about it. Currently, nearly all (nearly 100%) of the workers have returned to work, all of them have good health and feel secured in their production.

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